Kangaroos In Austria
A ski story of two friends visiting Austria. They had no expectations, just the will to do something together. Then the opportunity came and after that a name was found on a magnet in a random tourist gift shop in Innsbruck.
Premiere : 12.12.2024 – 19:30 – Lausanne (Pathé les galleries)
Presented by :
Sungod | @we_are_sungod
Directed by :
Antoine Deblangy | @obitoine_
Guillaume Schütz | @guillaumeschutz
Skiing by :
Guillaume Schütz | @guillaumeschutz
Shot and edited by :
Antoine Deblangy | @obitoine_
Additional filming (Gaptastic) :
Matthias Reich | @matthias_reich
Hannes Hoffman | @hoffi_fpv
Mario Kaeppeli | @the_bird_view
Music :
La Femme – Alway In The Sun
Supported by :
Sungod | https://www.sungod.co/en-ch
Faction | https://ch.factionskis.com
Downdays | https://www.downdays.eu
Phaenom | https://www.phaenom-footwear.com
SB Sport Service | https://sbsport.ch
Supermate.ch | https://super-mate.ch