Freemo is an episodic short documentary series about freeride mountaineering, where a new guest will join Rafael Pease for a 2 week expedition out of his home, either in the mountains of Alaska or Chile. Season 1 features, Nathaniel Murphy, Krister Kopala & a massive storm!
FREEMO | Ep. 03 – Reset
On the third episode of #FREEMO we find out that sometimes you can’t win them all and that’s what makes it all so beautiful. R...
Freemo | Ep. 02 – the Northman
On the second episode of #FREEMO – Krister Kopala joins from northern Norway on his first winter expedition and first time to...
Freemo | Ep. 01 – Silver Lining
On the first episode of #FREEMO, the crew struggles with historic avalanches, 70mph winds, dry spells and 7ft snow storms. All in th...
FREEMO | season 1 – teaser
Season 1 teaser for FREEMO – an episodic short documentary series about freeride mountaineering, where a new guest will join R...