Isenseven – Undermovie (2007)
The summer of 2007 was definitely one of the heaviest editing times so far. Alex, Vincent and Felix spent weeks cooped up in the Isenseven office with no sunlight or air conditioning, living off of pizza and coffee. Obviously, there was always the plan to put random bonus parts on the DVD. But we noticed that we had so much leftover footage. And so many cool stories to tell about the season which would remain untold if we didn’t do something different this time. So, a few weeks before the deadline we decided to edit an entire second movie. We wrote a little script and in one night we filmed the interviews with Vincent and Alex, talking about all the crazy things that happened that season.
Undermovie went on to become another fan favorite and also crew favorite and looking back, it would have been fun to do more movies in this style. The vibe in this movie kind of sums up everything that our crew and our life on the road was about.
HC Bergheim, Andre Tröltzsch, Michi Zirngibl, André Kuhlmann, Xaver Hoffmann, Marco Smolla, Erik Botner, Basti Kuhn, René Schnöller, Fips Strauss, Peter König, Chris Patsch, Fredrik Evensen, Tobi Strauss, Christophe Schmidt, Daniel Ek, Ludwig Lejkner, Torgeir Berre, Eli Weiner, Hakon Tonnesen, Alex Petterson, Joonas Mustonen, Alex Wottrich, Marc Swoboda, Sean Kelley, Danny Buller, Jagge, Alex Tank, Danny Larsen, Torstein Horgmo.